Day 305: Sunday 28 February

February 28, 2010

A long night, a short sleep, a hangover.

Gotta get myself together for child minding this arvo.

Check out my not very good or interesting photos from last night’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras

Year of Denim: Day 305

Deja-vu anyone? Same terrible music video show. Different breakfast

Top: Dragstar denim vest

Bottom: Rusty chambre shorts

Accessory: Denim cap

Yet another evening update

I am so fagged in so many ways, but I’m going out regardless. I care so little I almost didn’t Yod update, but I had 10mins spare before the rain and thought WTF what the hell I’ll blog. Again and again and  again!

Off to see 13 Most Beautiful Songs for Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests.

Here’s my amazingly dull outfit.

Yawnsville man with a face that harkens back to the Week of Gurning

Top: Ladahk striped jacket rediscovered in a pile of denim in the corner of my room

Bottom: Levis flares

Accessory 1: denim shoulder bag

Accessory 2: Denim cap hiding ashamed head of hair

Day 300!! Tuesday February 23

February 23, 2010

Red hot announcement

Today is my 300th day of denim…
Come join me for some cocktails and light refreshments
From 6pm at The Summit

To quote the website “A venue of international style”

Level 47, 264 George Street, down by Wynyard

300 days of denim… Today it feels like 300 degrees of denim and that’s heat not separation.

One would think I have a special outfit put aside to mark this moment in the Year of Denim. But I don’t. I DO have a sample of choice items yet to appear on YoD. But really, this weather, I’d rather be 100% nude than even contemplate jeans and a jacket.

Here’s hoping that cool change comes through by the time it’s time for me to make my grand denimy appearance at the Summit (did I tell you it rotates?!).

What would be even better is for a huge electrical storm to sweep across Sydney as I am slowly sipping a mock(or cock)-tail around 6.30, acting as a dramatic backdrop to the huge gathering of 3 people keen to celebrate 300 days of denim.

Fingers crossed I get excited with the 200 studs I bought yesterday and get bedazzling for tonight’s outfit.

Here’s what I am wearing in the meantime…

300 days of denim wearing

To mark 300 days of denim I wear same old same old

Top: Ivy chambre vest, the lightest one I own

Bottom: Junk cut-offs cos they were hanging off the end of the bed

Accessory: Denim birkies

Spinning evening update

I’ve been, I’ve spun, I saw Sydney slowly revealing herself beneath me. And of course my camera battery crapped out before I got  a chance to photograph myself AT The Summit.

Luckily I took a quick snap as I was preparing myself in the bedroom…

Me, my boobs and my stomach prepare for an outting

Top: First time even on YoD ‘Burcul’ brand ( Ihave no idea where it’s from, old or new, vintage or made in China) bolero style denim jacket with bonus plummeting neckline and extra bonus gut reveal. I ended up wearing a t-shirt underneath for modesty on the train and it was so cold at The Summit (it’s always cold at the top) I left it on

Bottom: A bolero top matched with my thick waist requires a high pant. So it was a toss up between the Dragstar high waisted flares and these Landlubbers. The Landlubbers won because I can get the button done up

Accessory 1: Denim wedgies. I cheated here too and wore thongs to Australia Square, changing into the wedgies at … The Summit. And didn’t my thongs look tawdry poking out the top of my bag

Accessory 2: Denim bustier style handbag, from the fashion House of Trix. Isn’t it awesome? Have a close up…

Bustier bag, back and front. Ace!

And yes, I really did make it to The Summit. Here’s un-Photoshopped proof…

Look carefully to see the bridge, the big boat and the Opera House

The Summit's glamorous interior, with YoD guests in mid table move

It was an intimate group of denim lovers who came together at The Summit for some canapes. I started with mock then moved to a cock-tail. Sydney wasn’t really at it’s best as the sun was cunningly concealed by a drab grey cloud cover, and we didn’t really witness any stunning sunset action or eletrcial storm light show.

However, I still love the Summit, even though at first I thought I wwas going to be cock/mocktailing (sorry I can’t stop saying and writing mock cocktail) on my own.

Special thanks to the select group who made the effort to climb to the 47th floor to help me mark 300 days of denim.

Day 246: Thursday 31 December 2009

December 31, 2009

The last day of the year and I’m here. In Lismore. I’m about to head off to beach as there is a spot of sunshine after a week of rain.

Having just perused the last week of YoD blogs I realise it hasn’t been much of a travelogue. Maybe I’ll attempt to be a little more touristy and  a little less denimy over the next few days. I’m sure there are millions of readers who would be fascinated by my holiday in northern NSW.

Oh and happy new years eve everyone. Party like it’s 2009. I will be. Tropical Fruits here I come!

Red + blue denim + ceiling stare

Top: Same as yesterday only probably with some bonus pasta sauce artfully splashed on it, Ivy chambre vest

Bottom: TopGirl denim shorts slowly filling up with sweat

Accessory: Denim cap making it’s way back to Sydney

If  I get excited enough and I think my outfit is exciting enough I MAY update my blog with a Tropical Fruits denim. However as it’s supposed to rain and it’ll therefore by muddy I might just be in denim shorts and denim vesty thing so there MAY not be much to show off.

Friday’s update for Thursday

I went to the beach at Ballina, got some tanning going on, met up with an old work mate trhen stoppedin at BAllina’s most famous icon, The Big Prawn, which unfortunately is about to be demolished. I wanted to get a fridge magnet, but they have sold out of all their Big Prawn souveniers, which is almost as sad as the Prawn getting smashed up.

Me and The Prawn enjoy a quiet moment together reminiscing over old times like when I thankfully bought a cloth patch 14 years ago


And then I went back nto my mate Graeme’s place, had a kip, had some dinner, got dressed and went out out OUT

So clean, so tidy, so dry. See the stunning results of a night at Tropical Fruits in tomorrow's blog. Rubie gives me the only tongue I got all night

Day 245: Wednesday 30 December

December 30, 2009

Exciting times. It’s the day before the day that’s the last day of the year, and YoD is on the move.

Yep, I’m heading south where the op shops are cheap and cheery (although no excellent boozy Santas EVER!) and it never stops raining.

On my way south I have scheduled a stop on the Gold Coast because I want to go op shopping on  the Isle of Capri. That’s a bit of a lie, I’d be happy op shopping just about anywhere. Even Nambour. And really, I’m visiting a friend who has returned after sailing all around the world with 2 kids and even more incredibly a husband!

Here’s my ‘Farewell Queensland’ look…

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside your door, babe I hate to go...

Top: I’m getting bored of my few denim tops. Ivy chambre vest

Bottom: How many more times over the next week will I have to wear this JeansWest skirt!!??

Accessory: Denim birkies starting to chafe from over wearing

Day 215: Monday 30 November

November 30, 2009

Happy birthday Mum.

Early rising is a puffy eyed activity. Perhaps I should be wearing the puffy skirt to match, seen on YoD only once here to mark the half way point.

Instead I am all sensible double denim. There’s nothing to laugh at here. Move along if you want to giggle at the double denim dag.

Perhaps tomorrow I will wear something ridiculous. It all depends on the weather.

Poodles, a pineapple and a Polk

Top: Benetton dark denim jacket

Bottom: Gap skinny long legs

Accessory: Denim look-a-like carry-all