Day 364: Tuesday 27 April

April 27, 2010

Today I look back at yesteryear for denim inspiration. Yes I am going the other way from contemporary fashion. I have turned my back on the skinny leg jean and instead have embraced the bell bottom like there’s no tomorrow.

While there IS a tomorrow here on YoD and a day after, and another day after and a day after that, after that day (Friday) there is NO YEAR of DENIM! Although I MIGHT have to embrace a LIFE of denim…

I had promised some special edition blogs this week that somehow have yet to occur. The final day there is an extra special photo shoot with guest blogger, and I also have a small treat planned for tomorrow and maybe the day after that too.

So chin up, here’s today…

Showing off some op shop handi-crafts, my flares and my new bag

Top: From way back before the dawn of the Year of Denim comes this incredible slice of vintage denim.  It’s mine

Bottom: Bell bottoms are the new skinny legs, you saw it here first. No more will you have to look at men’s skinny legs I predict

Accessory 1: Denim cap sent down from QLD in the early days of YoD. I still like it and will be keeping it

Accessory 2: My mum made me this denim bag from stripy denim I was given waaaay back with plans to do a little sewing. Once the sewing machine left the building I was stranded. Luckily Mum stepped into the breach and whipped this up for me. Thanks Mum. For everything

Don’t forget the end of YoD on Saturday night…

Day 346: Saturday 10 April

April 10, 2010

The end of The Year of Denim is rushing up very quickly. So little time left to wear some of my fav’ denim bits ‘n’ bobs. I can’t decide whether I should go full cold turkey on the denim and do a Year of No Denim. If I DO do that then I must revel, frolic, luxuriate and immerse myself in the pleasures of denim.

And FINALLY I have got my act together to do some denim customising. It’s all for a very special night next week hosted by the gorgeous and hirsute Vanessa Wagner…

So if you want to see me getting OUT of my denims come along. If you want me to win money cheer. I’ll be wearing this little thing I have been customising…

I'm crafty AND studly

But in the meantime today I am wearing this…

See all my books? I betcha didn't know I can read

Top: I adore this Dragstar denim vest. Unfortunately I have to give it back at the end of YoD

Bottom: Levi’s modern (not vintage) flares, bought pre-YoD, will I keep them?

Accessory: Another pre YoD purchase, little Japanese denim cap. I Heart You

Day 342: Tuesday 6 April

April 6, 2010

Hi ho hi ho, it’s off to work I go. You can tell by my serious outfit/ facial expression I mean business. I’m TCB, AOK.

Year of Denim

I'm ready, ready for anything except fun

Top: Hillcrest brand, Made in Australia of sanforized cotton, vintage denim jacket. At least I think it’s vintage because A) it’s made in Australia and B)It’s unique style ain’t nothing I’ve seen before

Bottom: Dragstar denim high waisted flares. Always triky for me to wear as I don’t really have a waist

Accessory: Denim bag with red piping, one of the early YoD denim purchases

Day 226: Friday 11 December

December 11, 2009

At last! My Christmas spectacular is complete. Almost.

I still have a 10m strip of blue rope light to position artfully and I have to ‘install’ my crocheted nativity scene somewhere.

This year I have incorporated something very special. And it’s all courtesy of a great suggestion from Fatty Boomsticks in Tokyo.

Kanga + jeans + rope light = art

Is that a giant pair of rope light jeans I hear the world ask. Why yes, I respond, it is. They are a little abstract but I believe on the level of a pictograph you’ll be able to figure it out.

On to today’s gurn and get-up.

Sunshiney gurn and everybody's laughing

Top: Not worn much lately, Joe’s Jeans jacket

Bottom: Vintage denim, Landlubber flares. Aaaahhhh lovely

Accessory: Nameless, brandless denim shoulder bag. Much loved

Gurn: Low key lip gurn

Here it is up close and horrible

Sunshine on my gurn makes me happy

Day 214: Sunday 29 November

November 29, 2009

Yesterday’s playful play-suited shenanigans are little more than a fading memory I am looking back on with nostalgia as I prepare myself for the brutalities of the capitalist work place.

Yes, I am off to work this morning. Luckily Sundays are considered mufti day. Although really I dress like every day’s either mufti day or a double denim fancy dress party.

Before work I am dipping myself in the denim blue of the ocean, so no more prattle. I’m in a hurry.

Abducted by aliens and turned into one of their pencil necked, big headed kind. Don't worry, no anal probes were used in the production of this image

Top: Semi-smart Moji denim shirt

Bottom: Old, faded Levi’s flares with massive turn ups

Accessory 1: Dark grey denim cap

Accessory 2: Mavi bag

Day 210: Wednesday 25 November

November 25, 2009

I’m up and that’s a good thing. The sun is peeking out and I think I will ride my bike and wear my denim helmet today. Of course I have forgotten to take a photo of me in the helmet. If you have can’t remember how good it looks check this out

Otherwise I am wearing this…

Blue framed by green should always be seen

Top: Ladakh striped denim jacket, light weight, chic, now if now is yesterday

Bottom: Not worn in ages Levi’s flares. Gunna have to roll them up or tuck them into my socks for the bike ride

Accessory 1: Denim shoulder bag, much used, much loved

Accessory 2: Denim gym boots. Cheap version of the rockin’ Levi’s denim shoes currently around and that I am too cheap to pay full price for

While I am on the subject of denim bags, I haven’t bought a new denim bag in months. Surely I cannot already own every type of denim bag?

I know this cannot be true because of a discussion I had with a Vietnamese check-out chick.

She was admiring the denim bag I was sporting and she told me in Vietnam denim bags made out of an old pair of jeans are very popular right now.

This is an item I need. I might even have to make it myself.

Lookout Mum, I’m coming over with some new denim sewing ideas!

Day 185: Saturday 31 October

October 31, 2009

A very late blog update today. This is because I didn’t get out of my pyjamas until 3pm.

That karaoke sure can take it out of you. As you have no doubt noticed I am also a little hoarse today courtesy of karaoke.

For the record I think one of my favourite OMG moments last night was Trix’s rendition of Abba’s “Does your mother know” with a very punky chorus added by moi and my bro. Another overwhelmingly emotional highlight was a spine tingling duet of ‘Summer Lovin’ from MrPN and MsJS, and then there was the all hands on deck sing-along version of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Don’t Stop’.

Off to work soon, although you wouldn’t know it from my down played denim do.


Looking a little black under the eyes, t-shirt to match

Top: Going for a classic double denim look today with the casual over-the-shoulder Levi’s jacket

Bottom: The jacket combines seamlessly with vintage Levi’s flares, not visible from this extreme angle

Accessory: Hand crafted denim bag, gifted a few years ago from the White-Ramsay fashion label of LA

Now on to a little whinge.

As I was catching the train into the city last night I happened to pick up Friday’s MX. Reading reading reading and I came across this little slice of vox pop…


Everyone's entitled to their opinions, except when it comes to dissing denim

Well! Mr Steffan (with a double F!!! WTF!!). If you’d seen how incredible I looked last night in my “leggings that look like jeans with the fake stitching” I am certain you would have an about face in your misconceived anti-denim prejudice. Don’t knock fake denim leggings ’till you’ve tried ’em. That’s all I’ll say Mr Double eFFan.

Day 167: Tuesday 13 October

October 13, 2009

Another early watch the sun rise start to the day. It is a beautiful day here in down town Marrickville. Mild, clear skies, birds tweeting, dogs barking, goods trains screeching.

Lucky me. I have woken up with a head cold, snot stuffed, scratchy throated, mouth breathing etc etc blah blah blah. On a brighter note the half way point for the Year of Denim is almost upon us.

To all the YOD knockers all I can say is that I am half way to achieving my goal. A person has to set goals. It’s just mine are not the taking over the world, making buckets of money, becoming a supermodel, running a marathon, winning a grand final type of goals. My goals are more do some stupid stuff, aim to have a merry time at all times, go surfing as much as possible kind of goals.

Here I am on my way to achieving a landmark Year of Denim date…

Softly I gaze into the rising sun

Softly I gaze into the rising sun. I didn't check the focus at all.

Top: Blockout streeeetch denim blazer, a bit of to school, but so what?

Bottom: Dragstar super flares and a waist an inch too tight

Accessory: Denim Roxy tiny handbag with flowers to match my Hawaiian shirt

Day 166: Monday 12 October 2009

October 12, 2009

I’m up early. So early I have seen the sun rise. That’s too early. Way too early. But when you are a worker that’s what you have to do, obey the shift roster like a drone. At least I don’t have a bundy clock, although my first job after school, in a factory, involved the use of a bundy clock, but only for the factory. The people in the office didn’t use it.

Enough reminiscing about the olden days. Yesterday I forgot to mention the fashion care package I received from  the YOD Southern Highlands fashion adviser. That’ right, she sent me some denim! And what an item! It’s a Jag maxi skirt, in need of a good wash. Being a little stumpy I’m also worried the maxi length might be too maxi.

Me, denim, the backyard, the sun rise

Me, denim, the backyard, the sun rise

Top: Lee distressed edged denim shirt, barely does up

Bottom: The Beautiful & the Damned pale blue denim flares, too big

Accessory 1: Denim bag with red piping

Accessory 2: Denim gym boots. I must say I am seriously considering buying those Levis gym boots made from old jeans. These cheapies are fine, but the Levis are on a different level of chicness

Day 159: Monday 5 October

October 5, 2009

I’ve eaten breakfast. For the first time in days. Hurrah!

Still got some bile issues, and let’s wait and see how the food settles.

Off to work now…

Demented in denim

Demented in denim

Top: Levi’s denim jacket

Bottom: Brand new from the op-shop Paris Blue mega bell bottoms

Accessory 1: Denim shoulder bag

Accessory 2: Denim gym boots cunningly concealed by huge flares